
Security is our priority

Security is our priority

Bank-grade security, to protect your data.
Secure by design since day 1, without exceptions.

Your privacy and security are our main priority.

Bank-grade security
Secure by design since day 1

Exirio is secure - your data are shielded


Your data are encrypted to ensure that any unauthorized access cannot extract any information. Your data are encrypted both:
-In transit: Whenever your data are in transit between you and us, everything is encrypted, and sent using HTTPS/TLS with AES-256.
-At rest: Any Personal Identifiable Information (PII) is encrypted at rest. Backup copies are also encrypted.


Authentication can be accomplished in 2 ways:
-Username and password: Exirio does not store your password. We only store a salted hashed version of it to authenticate you during login.
-Using your social login of choice (Google, Apple. Facebook, and LinkedIn) with HMAC authentication. This allows you to rely on these providers’ security standards.

Our domains are protected with Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) to always ensure you are communicating with us.

Regularly updated infrastructure

We use cloud services provided by Google Cloud Platform (GCP) or Amazon Web Services (AWS). GCP’s and AWS’s data centers are certified ISO 27001, SOC 2 (Type II), PCI DSS (Level 1), FISMA, and many more. Our software infrastructure is updated regularly with the latest security patches: we constantly work to keep up with the state-of-the-art in web security.

Constant monitoring

We are dedicated to maintaining your account’s security on our systems and monitoring tools we’ve set up to alert us to any nefarious activity against our domains. To date, we’ve never had a data breach. ​We use third-party software in order to protect us against Denial-of-Service attacks.

Security audits and backups

Exirio is regularly audited by independent security experts. Automatic backups allow us to quickly restore your data in case of data loss. These backups are encrypted.


We will never sell your data and strictly enforce GDPR regulation. Whenever you want, you can download and export everything you have uploaded to Exirio. As we said, it’s your data – not ours.

Bug bounty program

We are dedicated to maintaining your account’s security on our systems and monitoring tools we’ve set up to alert us to any nefarious activity against our domains. To date, we’ve never had a data breach.

Track record

We have processes and defenses in place to keep our streak of 0 data breaches going. In the unfortunate circumstances someone malicious does successfully mount an attack, we will immediately notify all affected users.

24/7 support

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Exirio is the first step to better investment decisions.