
Your personal finance blog

Your personal finance blog

Press on with your new Exirio account

Your Exirio account

Let’s pick it up from where we left it. You have added your first Holding. And for now, let’s assume

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Get started with your new Exirio account

Your new Exirio account

Congratulations! With Exirio you have now access to a tool that will help you track, visualize and understand your investments

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Central bank digital currencies

Digital currencies

With the growing acceptance of cryptocurrencies, it is no surprise that governments are exploring digital versions of their own currencies. While these

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Understand financial statements

Analysing company financials: a comprehensive guide

Diving into the complexities of a company’s financials can be a complex task. Fear not, for we are here to guide you through the intricate world of financial statements, helping you unravel the hopes, fears, and even the dirty little secrets of the companies you wish to explore.

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Understanding fund analysis

What matters when choosing an investment fund

Knowing not only where to find information on investment funds, but how to analyze that information both quantitatively and qualitatively, enhances the decision-making process and leads to informed investment choices.

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Understand news and markets

How the news impact your investments

News can have a profound impact on financial markets, whether it’s a groundbreaking innovation with the potential to skyrocket a company’s profits or a new regulation that could severely impact an industry. However, the influence of breaking news on market prices can be complex and not always straightforward.

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Your guide to selecting the right broker

Selecting a broker can be likened to dating; it requires introspection, patience, and the goal of finding a long-term fit. In this guide, we’ll equip you with the knowledge to confidently make the right choice.

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A beginner's guide to investing

A beginner’s guide to investing

You don’t need to be rich to invest. It’s for everyone no matter their age, and it’s one of the most effective ways to build long-term wealth. Investing may seem overwhelming and you’re probably wondering where to begin. Well, here we go!

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American ETFs vs. UCITS

Investing in ETFs can be fun. And hopefully profitable too. But there is always a flipside to it, which is much

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Why invest in ETFs

An exchange-traded fund (ETF) is a kind of investment security that tracks an index, a sector, a geography or virtually

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